What a difference a couple of days makes!
I love it! Perfectly encapsulates how I am feeling these days.
This was my first weekend post-op on my own. I started it off by treating myself to a couple of goodies from Whole Foods. Now, in the past, this would have meant a lemon sugar cookie or a piece of wood-fired pizza. What's the harm, it's organic, right? This trip, I went with something a little more botanical and a LOT longer-lasting.
I felt pretty great when I woke up on Saturday, so I got up early and headed out to run Saturday errands. Then, my friend Leira called and I decided to chuck the trip to the drugstore, Target and the dry cleaners and do a little exploring.
I picked L up and we headed out to a mall near her house. There was a shop I wanted to check out; it's called Vintage Market and it's phenomenal! It's a small antique mall that specializes in shabby chic/cottage style products. So cute!! I didn't buy anything but I will definitely be back. Check it out: http://www.vintagemarketkc.com/
We did a bit more shopping; Old Navy, Dilliards, Marshall's. Pretty soon, it was lunchtime. Now normally, I would have found myself at Tomfooleries or Granite City Brewery, with a big burger or a plate of nachos. This shopping trip, I popped open my insulated lunch bag, removed the two blue ice packs, and had my string cheese in between Old Navy and Marshall's. I popped over to Starbucks and got a free large ice water, voila! Lunch. I finished up my two ounces of sliced turkey at Leira's later.
Sunday, I again got up early, caught up with Charles Kurault and then headed out again. I hit Starbucks again, (love the free water!) and browsed through the NY Times, something I haven't done in ages. Then I headed to the Kemper Museum, a local modern art museum where I saw an incredible exhibit of portraits and paintings by an artist named David Bates. Bates painted the pieces in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, and they are haunting and brilliant. http://www.kemperart.org/
After The Kemper, I headed out to do the errands I put off the day before. Target, drug store, and dry cleaners, check. After Target, I headed to Bed, Bath and Beyond where I found the perfect piece to hang up on my bedroom wall:
I love it! Perfectly encapsulates how I am feeling these days.
So, what was the point of me telling you the boring ins and outs of my weekend? The point is, I was busy, I was happy, and I did it all without overeating a bunch of junk.
What a difference a couple of days makes.
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