Hey Everyone, if there is anyone still out there!
I am back at the blog, after six crazy weeks. I suppose I've been so busy living life that I haven't had a lot of time to write about it. My apologies; I will try to keep everyone updated in a more timely fashion.
Let's start with the good stuff: stats. As of today, I am 85 pounds down. Here are some things that weigh 85 pounds:
Keira Knightly
A mature female timberwolf
A pit bull
The suits bomb experts wear when they defuse bombs
A cubic foot of the Sun
A dwarf goat
Imagine trying to get through a workday, a workout, or a just a typical Saturday with any of the above strapped to your ass. 85 pounds. CRAZY. I'm still wrapping my head around everything but it's a good wrapping around.
I do have pictures, but they are on my computer at work. As soon as I get them off, I will get them posted. I have definitely started to notice a big difference in how I look, especially from the back. I seem to have lost my ass somewhere; it was there my whole life but now it appears to have vacated the premises. I'm not complaining, other than buying pants is a bit difficult.
While my ass has left, a new body part has made its first appearance in quite some time: my clavicle has shown up again. I really noticed it about a month ago; I looked in the mirror in my car to check my lipstick, and there it was, just jutting out as plain as day. Welcome back, clavicle!
Other body-related observations
* I ran into a woman I know who is completely blind, and who I haven't seen since before the surgery. She gave me a hug, and said, "Wow, you've lost a lot of weight!" I even feel thinner.
* The blood pressure cuff that didn't fit on my forearm six months ago now fits perfectly. Same for the velcro pouch I use to hold my iPod at the gym.
* I'm cold ALL THE TIME. I used to sweat like a sinner in church; now, I have to wear a jacket in my chilly apartment or else I actually shiver.
* I can cross my legs at a restaurant booth. I used to have trouble sliding in behind the table.
* My boobs are a lot smaller; I've gone down from a 48DD to a 42D.
* I'm sleeping much better, and I feel a lot more rested. After a recent visit to my parents, where I slept on the couch, my dad reported that I am no longer snoring.
* This may be TMI for the random guy who follows this blog, but I got my first menstrual cycle last month since March. Then, on Sunday, for the first time since college, I had my cycle two months in a row. This is a really big deal for me; my menstrual periods have been wackadoo since I was in high school so I am very relieved that they appear to be regulating. Now, that being said, the cramps, bloating, headaches and moodiness have SUCKED. I'm seeing my gynecologist tomorrow; she's been very supportive of the surgery, and wanted me to follow up with her sometime after my third month post-op.
* In the last month, I have experienced quite a bit of thinning of my hair. Especially when I wash it, or style it, I am shedding handfuls. I knew this was a possibility, and according to my doctors and other people who have had the procedure, it is completely normal and should turn around within a couple of months. I'm not too worried; I've got a pretty good head of hair to start with, and I added a new supplement to my regimen; horsetail root. I am also going to buy some special, tea-tree oil shampoo on the advice of a friend who is a stylist.
* My feet don't hurt any more! I can wear heels, reasonable ones, all day at work and my feet/ankles/legs aren't in agony. I know this has everything to do with the weight loss; there is so much less pressure on my tootsies. I even bought a couple of pairs of new shoes, including a truly awesome pair of peep-toe heels that look awesome with jeans.
Shopping and other news
So, I like shopping now. A LOT. It is such a rush for me to be able to walk into any store, and know that there are options for me there. Old Navy, Kohl's, Target, even the GAP! I bought clothes at the GAP! Me! I really have to control myself; before, finding stylish, flattering clothes was a huge challenge so when I did by chance stumble on something that worked, I snatched up one in every color. Now, I have to consciously tell myself that just because it fits and flatters, I don't HAVE to buy it. Most of the time, this strategy works. The other great thing I've learned is that so-called "normal" stores clearance racks are chock-full of my sizes! Usually, at plus-sized stores, all of my sizes are long gone by the time the clothes make it to the clearance rack. At Gap and Old Navy, my sizes abound! While on vacation, I found several dresses for less than the cost of lunch, a skirt for less than a coffee at Starbucks and a kick ass pair of jeans that were cheap enough to rationalize getting them tailored. As soon as I can get someone to take some fashion show pictures, I'll post them.
Well, for now, that's all I've got time to post. There is a LOT more going on; what I'm eating, how my workouts are going, getting through the holidays, and (eeek) getting back into the sitcom that is dating. But for now, I'll leave you with this image. I like this picture of me...I like being able to say that I like any picture of me. Hee!