As promised many, many days ago, here are some new progress pictures and stats.
I'm up to 88 pounds down; the weight loss has slowed considerably but that is normal. I am stepping up my workouts for the new year; I am going to up the number of times a week I complete the weight circuit to at least 3 and I'm going to try to start doing cardio in the mornings. I stress the word try; I am not a morning gal but I am going to give it my best college try.
Here are the pics. The one on the left is from July, and the one on the right from just a couple of days ago. I am currently wearing sized 16 jeans, XXL-XL tops depending and XL dresses. I really do see the changes, especially now that I'm staring at these pictures. I feel...blessedly normal for the first time in a long time.
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