Well, it's been six months since my surgery. The time has really, really flown by. I feel like it was just yesterday that I was choking down another protein shake in preparation for the surgery, and here I am, six months and drumroll please...91 pounds down. That's four pounds from last month. I've been stuck around 90-91 pounds for a while; I've definitely hit a plateau. I'm sure the holidays didn't help much, and I've been sick a couple of times already this winter so my workouts have not been as consistant. I'm making a big effort to change that. I really, REALLY want to hit 100 pounds lost soon; I have a second part of a tattoo to get to!
The plateau is normal; a fellow blogger recently went through one at this stage as well so I know there is hope. It is easy to get discouraged, especially after six months of watching the scale move down so quickly. But, I keep reminding myself that this is normal, and that if I follow the program, then I will see results.
Now, on to the fun stuff!
What I'm eating now:
I've started to re-introduce small amounts of carbohydrates into my diet. Whole grain flatbreads, sweet potatoes, oatmeal, small amounts of other breads like pita and sandwich thins. I definitely notice that I get fuller faster, but if I make sure to get the proteins in first, I'm okay. What does not work? Pasta and rice. Both are just not pouch-friendly, as my friends like to say. I pretty much avoid them altogether.
The carb balance tortillas are a life saver; I can whip up a quick quesadilla or chicken wrap in no time and they last forever in the fridge which is important since it takes me a while to get through things. The turkey meatballs (from Aldi, my new favorite store) and shrimp are also great for a quick dinner or lunch. I take six or seven meatballs to work in a little barbeque sauce and I've got a protein packed lunch in about 60 seconds. The flatbreads are good with a little hummus and a piece of ham or turkey; I actually have that for breakfast a couple of times a week. I'm still supplementing with protein shakes once a day.

Snacks!! I was missing my chips, and I'm not afraid to admit it. They were practically a food group for me pre-op. Now, most varieties of the salty delicacies aren't pouch-friendly. So, give it up for porkrinds! Come to find out, they are low in fat, calories, and most importantly, zero carbs. And they have protein! I keep a bag in the pantry, and they do the trick when I'm needing the salty, crunchy goodness of chips. The almonds are also a staple; crunchy and protein so I eat those quite a bit for a snack. And, Starbucks FINALLY answered my prayers and did a 100 calorie version of Frappuccinos so I try to keep those around, as well.

What I'm wearing
As I mentioned in previous posts, shopping has become quite an enjoyable experience. A little too enjoyable sometimes so I really have to keep myself in check. It is just sooo much fun to try on little things, and have them fit!! On Saturday, while shopping with my pal L, I grabbed a pair of Calvin Klein jeans on the off chance they would fit. I was telling myself the whole way to the fitting room, "Now, don't be disappointed if they're too small...just remember, not everything is going to fit." Well, folks, those Calvins were too big. Way too big. There was some happy dancing going on in the Marshall's dressing room. Unfortunately, they didn't have them in a smaller size. But, at that point, I didn't really care
I also bought a couple of cute things at my new favorite store, Old Navy, marked down big time after Christmas. The lavendar sweater combines two of my favorite things: sequins and cardigans. And, one of my new favorite things, an XL size tag. I used to cut the tags out of my clothes sometimes, just because I couldn't stand to see the size I was at. The flowered dress I got for $8 and it's a great transitional piece that I can wear through spring. And the black dress...I bought the black dress to wear for a party. I've always wanted a little back dress, and this one was perfect. I felt H-O-T in it. Plus, put a camisole underneath to keep the ladies in check, and I can still wear it to work.
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