I am two pounds shy of reaching the 100 pounds lost milestone. I have BEEN two pounds shy of reaching the 100 pounds lost milestone for two weeks. The scale will not move.
I have amped up my workouts considerably. I am now walking one mile and running the other. On alternate days, I walk 1/2 a mile, run 1/2 a mile and do the entire weight circuit. I have exercised everyday for the past three weeks. The scale will not move.
I am tracking all of my food using Livestrong.com. I am drinking water every waking moment of the day. I've kept my carbohydrate intake to less than 70 grams a day. My protein intake is at least 60 grams a day. I have faithfully taken my vitamins each day. The scale will not move.
I am frustrated but I am also sure that I am doing everything the way I should be. So, the scale will not move. Big deal. I am running. Me, running, in public with people. I haven't eaten fast food in almost 8 months. Me, who at one point ate all three meals from a sack in my car. I haven't had a diet Coke in almost 8 months. Me, who used to start the day with a 52 ounce gutbuster from Quik-Trip. I am wearing clothes that are 10 sizes smaller than the clothes I wore 8 months ago. Me, shopping in stores other than Lane Bryant.
So, even though the scale will not move in the right direction, I am.
I'm sure you are doing great my advice to break stalls is change your diet slightly either add some more protien or maybe some more carbs....I hate to say it but I was working out 4 days a week and hit a road block and I had to stop working out due to some knee pain...and I lost 5 pounds! I will go back soon but I just couldn't believe it!