Update: Two ounces of smoked chicken deli-style lunchmeat chewed to the consistancy of babyfood filled me up. Sometimes, there really isn't room for Jello. :)
* Incisions, no matter how small or large, hurt. Especially if you try to bend at the waist.
* Isopure Clear Protein is actually grosser than the chocolate protein drinks.Cleaned, scoured, scrubbed, Windex and vacuumed every surface of my living space.
Completed all surgery-related errands including the drugstore, GNC, Target.
Completed all non-surgery related errands including pet store, scrapbook store, dry cleaners and post office.
Paid all of my bills.
Started a new scrapbook for a friend.
Cleaned out my closet.
Watched a Criminal Minds marathon on television.
Seriously, one more week of this, and I would have figured out how to cap the oil well AND gotten the grout in my tub sparkling white.
I am so glad Wednesday is almost here.
I am trying to keep busy but its been tough. It is ridiculously hot out, so anything outside is pretty much out of the question. I went to the scrapbook store last night, but I didn't want to go too crazy.
Today, I finished up some last minute pre-surgery errands. I swung by the drugstore and picked up a couple of prescriptions, as well as a bottle of magnesium citrate. I found out at the pre-op appointment that I have to do a colon cleanse the day before surgery. It's a bit of an understatement to say I'm not really looking forward to it. I took magnesium citrate once before. It was...not pretty. Eventhough I haven't eaten anything more solid than yogurt in almost two weeks, it's still gonna suck.
If anyone ever tells you that bariatric surgery is the easy way to lose weight, punch them in the throat.
P.S. I tried the whole "put the gross protein shake in a fancy glass and it will taste better" thing; hence the wine glass.
P.P.S. Doesn't work.
* low carb protein shakes (I have to get at least 60 grams of protein each day)
* low salt broths
* sugar free jello, popsicles and yogurt
* crystal lite, decaffeinated tea and A LOT OF WATER.
This will basically be my diet for the week after the surgery, as well, with the exception of the protein shakes. Post-op, I will have to convert to clear proteins, something called Isopure. Starting on Day 7, I can have half of a scrambled egg. I know what many of you are thinking: screw the surgery, just do the diet for a couple of months, right?
So, I stopped by my favorite place on the way home for a little retail therapy: Target. I picked up a bunch of things that I think will help with the next few weeks. Several of the other blogs I've read suggested a few of them; a few of them were my idea.
Bullett Blender: I'm going to use this to blend up my protein drinks. I purchased a sampler pack of various flavors of protein powders that I'm going to try out before committing to a big tub of it. The flavors sound good: iced tea, roadside lemonade, strawberry kiwi, fruit punch, chocolate truffle, vanilla cappuccino. I'll keep you updated on the taste tests.
Small plates and bowls: One of the bloggers suggested getting small plates and bowls for post-op meals, the reasoning being a smaller plate with look fuller with less food. So, I picked these up. I feel like a giant when I hold them. :)
Sippy Cups: Pre and post-op, I have to get 64 ounces of liquid in each day. However, because my modified stomach can only hold an ounce at a time, it has to be in very small sips. Hence, the sippy cups.
Baby Spoons: Again, these help to control portion and bite sizes so I don't take too big of a bite.
Frankly, I felt like a bit of a idiot buying all these tiny things. However, I think they will serve their purpose. I'll keep you posted.