I'm one week out from surgery and today, I ate my first "semi-solid" food in three weeks: one scrambled egg. It was a damned good egg. It went down and stayed down, so hooray! Tomorrow, 1/4 of a cup of cottage cheese!!
Other Things I've Learned in One Week Post-Op:
* Don't Be a Hero: Don't try to do too much in an attempt to prove to yourself that you're healing. This is a big surgery. Skin, muscle and tissue are trying to heal; let them!
* Incisions, no matter how small or large, hurt. Especially if you try to bend at the waist.
* Isopure Clear Protein is actually grosser than the chocolate protein drinks.* Pillows make fantastic buffers; take one to work your first couple of days back to cushion your incisions while sitting at your desk.
* Giving yourself an injection of blood thinning medication isn't as hard as it sounds.
* It's much better when your mom the nurse gives you an injection of blood thinning medication.
* Crystal Lite makes much better sugar free popsicles than Good Humor.
* Popsicles, no matter who makes them, suck after eating them for three weeks.
* There is no painkiller in the world that makes you feel as good as your mom tucking you into bed with a kiss on your forehead. Seriously, if Merck could bottle it, there wouldn't be a need for anti-depressants anymore.
Tomorrow is my first post-op appointment where I am very much hoping that I will be released to drive. I think that I will also have the staples removed from my incisions then. Hooray!
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